Every One

The Power of Every One Centennial Campaign had nearly 375,000 donors. That’s roughly equivalent to the population of Iceland — or, coincidentally, Cleveland. If all of those people lined up single file, the line would stretch 71 miles. And if you flowed the campaign data into a pixel tapestry where every single donor is represented with a single dot, color-coded based on total giving amount … well, it would look exactly like this.


The Power of Every One Centennial Campaign had nearly 375,000 donors. That’s roughly equivalent to the population of Iceland — or, coincidentally, Cleveland. If all of those people lined up single file, the line would stretch 71 miles. And if you flowed the campaign data into a pixel tapestry where every single donor is represented with a single dot, color-coded based on total giving amount … well, it would look exactly like this.

All those light blue pixels underscore the fact that roughly 7 out of every 10 donors gave $100 or less.

Donors appear chronologically from left to right and top to bottom, with the first donor in 2011 at the upper left corner and the last donor in 2021 at the end of the bottom row.

Donation Size Ranges

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