One for All
By Larry Pollock & Stewart Kohl
Larry Pollock, left, and Stewart Kohl are Co-Chairs of The Power of Every One Centennial Campaign | Photo: Shawn Green
We set out on this journey together with a simple conviction: To make a difference, all it takes is one.
One caregiver, putting patients first. One breakthrough in the lab of one researcher, pushing the boundaries of medicine. One important lesson taught by one educator, inspiring a passion for healthcare in others. And one donor, making one gift of any size to support all of the above at Cleveland Clinic.
A decade later, we’ve reached the conclusion of The Power of Every One Centennial Campaign, the most successful philanthropic effort in the history of Cleveland Clinic. When we launched The Power of Every One in 2011, the original goal was $2 billion. We crossed that threshold in 2019 and set a new goal of $2.5 billion, which we ultimately also surpassed. We extend our sincerest appreciation to each and every one of you who contributed to this success.
$2.58B raised
800K gifts received
375K donors engaged across the U.S. and around the world
100M+ Patient visits impacted
You’ve made a profound difference — and in this report, we’ll show you how. You’ll encounter rich data visualizations that invite a deeper dive into the breadth, depth and scope of this historic campaign. You’ll find donor spotlights that introduce you to a cross section of people from all walks of life who rallied behind our cause. And you’ll meet grateful patients, forward-thinking clinicians and scientists and ambitious students whose stories demonstrate, on a personal level, the impact of philanthropy across Cleveland Clinic’s mission of care, research and education. What do they have in common? All of them have benefited directly from your generosity.
Most of all, we hope that you see yourselves in the following pages. You did this. That’s The Power of Every One.